


Help us rewrite the rules.

To our clients, we’re the fifth member of the band. To each other, we’re proponents of creative addiction. And we always keep the ideas stirring for the next big thing in live special effects.

Some of us have been blowing up the industry since the beginning, and others teach fresh perspectives. So, if you’re itching to create and ready to blur the line between fantasy and reality, show us what you’ve got.

Do you like to push the limits?

We’re looking for creative masterminds who live to see the world through a colorful lens. We need expert engineers who get a thrill out of solving the puzzle and breathing life into designs. You keep going until you break boundaries. You don’t just think outside the box – your ideas can’t fit.


Will you go to any length?

You’re a problem-solver. A quick thinker. A dynamic leader, even behind the curtains. You’re bursting at the seams with ingenious solutions before our clients even ask the question. And if it can’t be fixed, you’re the first one to volunteer to hop in a helicopter and grab a replacement in time for the show. (True story, by the way).


Are you ready to be one of us?

Day-to-day, we’re a team of band junkies, world travelers and full-time roadies. Collaboration isn’t an option – it’s essential to pull off the coolest experiences in modern entertainment. If you’re this badass, you could try to go it alone. But joined together with the most talented names in the industry, we have the power to make history with every show. And have a little fun, while we’re at it.

Let’s see what
we can do together.

For job inquiries, email